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Camel Beast Black Crackle

This is a Zippo lighter decorated with a CAMEL emblem. It is one of the classic lighters from Zippo, with a three-dimensional silver Camel accent on the surface of the black crackle finish.236cml253m zippo Camel Beast Black CrackleThe black crackle finish is a Zippo processed using steel cases during the material shortage of World War II. The surface is slightly rough but has a soft texture and is resistant to scratches.

236cml253m zippo Camel Beast Black Crackle

This Zippo lighter is part of the original set with CAMEL branding and a special package.

It is difficult to determine the exact year of the Zippo lighter in the photos. Since the inside case is engraved with XIV (1998), it is probably a 1998 model, coinciding with the release date in the catalog.

zippo Camel Beast Black Crackle

Camel Beast Black Crackle

You can find CAMEL Zippo lighters on eBay or Amazon.
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