New Zippo lighters available on Amazon store

Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water design

A spectacular design of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire is printed on the high polish chrome lighter. This “Bottomz Up” Zippo displays the Zippo stamp not only on the bottom, but also at the top. A Zippo stamp has marked the authenticity of every genuine Zippo lighter and identified the conventional date code showing the month and year of manufacture.

No.24812 Earth, Wind,Fire,Water Zippo Lighter

·High Polish Chrome
·Standard size
·Zippo Lifetime Guarantee

No.24812 Earth, Wind,Fire,Water Zippo Lighter

Earth Wind Water and Fire
List Price: $32.95

Zippo Flame Lighters


You can find the earth or fire related Zippo lighters on eBay or Amazon
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