New Zippo lighters available on Amazon store

Cadillac Zippo lighter

This ZIPPO lighter features the Cadillac logo, laser-engraved on its surface, representing one of the most iconic American car brands. The high-polish chrome ZIPPO has been given a subtle gold tint, creating a luxurious design. 

24173 Cadillac Zippo

Cadillac, General Motors’ luxury division, represents an image of wealth and celebrity, often showcased in cinematic productions and widely regarded as a defining American luxury car. It is said that ZIPPO’s founder, George Blaisdell, also favored Cadillac as his personal car.

24173 Cadillac Zippo

High Polish Chrome

YouTube video: The 1952 Cadillac is featured by ABC Motor Sales. It is a gorgeous Cadillac. 

Cadillac Crest Emblem

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